Donate to  "Team Over the Edge"

Team progress:


Goal: $3,750.00
Achieved: $3,369.69

Donations total:$3,369.69

Donations to the team: $0.00

Donations to the team members: $3,069.69

Individual registration fees:$300.00

1. Mare Hull - $1,385.00
2. Elaine Glass - $1,154.69
3. Chrissy Augustus - $830.00

Our Donors:

Jun 25 Steven Glass $404.69
Jun 12 Anonymous Donor $350.00
Jun 12 Steve Glass $330.00
Jun 11 Anonymous Donor $300.00
Jun 09 Chris Kelley $200.00
Jun 01 Anonymous Donor $100.00
Jun 03 Tina Pursglove $100.00
Jun 05 Dennis and David Kovach $100.00
Jun 06 Brenda Gerhardt $100.00
Jun 08 Mark Drummond $100.00
Jun 10 Anne Paul $100.00
Jun 10 Bonnie Thompson $100.00
Jun 13 Eileen Meers $100.00
Jun 07 Kathleen Kelly $75.00
Apr 25 Anonymous Donor $50.00
Apr 29 Laurie Termeer $50.00
Apr 29 DONOVAN SMITH $50.00
Jun 02 Barb Meister $50.00
Jun 06 Lindsay Hamm $50.00
Jun 11 Audrey Soulé $50.00
Jun 13 Tracy Brannon $50.00
Jun 06 Blanche Luczyk $30.00
Jun 12 Jane Hunkler $30.00
Jun 13 Kirsten W $30.00
May 16 Anonymous Donor $25.00
May 21 Anonymous Donor $25.00
Apr 29 Ashley Stewart $25.00
May 08 Christine Weed $25.00
Jun 02 Linda Coate $25.00
Jun 16 Donna Vogelpihl $25.00
Jun 12 Diane Honaker $20.00

Donor Info

First Name:
Last Name:
Email Address:

Billing Address

Zip/Postal Code:

Credit Card

Card Type:
Credit Card Number:
Credit Card Expiration (mm/yy): /
Name On Card:
CVV Value:
My donation, $:
For example: 25 or 25.00
Please no dollar sign, no commas, no spaces.

  It is OK to show my name on your site.
  Please make my donation anonymous.