Travis Haessly


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Donate to Travis Haessly

Travis Haessly As The Roof Champion, my role extends far beyond roofing. Recently, I encountered an Over The Edge promotional yard sign on a client’s property. Curious, I spoke with the homeowner—an organizer for this event. What I learned resonated deeply with me.You see, my purpose revolves around helping those who cannot help themselves. While some may label me a ‘roofer,’ my true mission transcends shingles and gutters. It’s about safeguarding lives. But here’s the twist: I’m not comfortable with heights. In fact, I’m terrified of falling.Yet, when faced with the choice, it became clear: This cause—the fight against child sex trafficking—is greater than any fear I could harbor. These innocent lives, our children, deserve safety. They deserve a future free from exploitation.So, I step outside my comfort zone. I champion this cause, not just for roofs but for the safety of our collective humanity. Because sometimes, courage isn’t about conquering physical heights; it’s about rising above darkness to protect the vulnerable. May my advocacy contribute to a world where every child finds refuge, and fear gives way to hope.

My Progress:


Goal: $6,000.00
Achieved: $3,655.00

Donate to Travis Haessly

My Donors: