John Olmstead


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The Flying Olmsteads

John Olmstead Why in the world would anyone want to willingly go OVER the edge of a 30-story building?! Having rappelled in Gracehaven’s Over The Edge event for the past 4 years, it’s a rational question and one that I have been asked more than once. After all, there’s a ‘why’ for everything we do, rational or not. Here’s my ‘why’. If setting aside a mere 90 minutes once a year to put on a safety harness, go to the top of the Chase Tower, the tallest building in downtown Columbus, climb up the 4-foot parapet surrounding the roof that allows an absolutely clear view to the sidewalk below (the worst part for me), and be roped in for a 300+ foot drop to the street level below (preferably under my power) could save ONE child from being sex trafficked, it’s worth it. For those choosing to join me, THANK YOU for making a difference!

My Progress:


Goal: $10,000.00
Achieved: $3,865.00

Donate to John Olmstead

My Donors: