Carly Boseker


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Donate to Carly Boseker

Carly Boseker On June 14, 2024 I will be rappelling 26 stories down the Chase Tower in downtown Columbus to support Gracehaven’s fight against child sex trafficking. Will you join in support with a donation? My goal is to raise $1,500.“Human sex trafficking is the second fastest growing criminal industry in the United States, just behind drug trafficking. Approximately half of these victims are children. More than 1,100 youth are victims of sex-trafficking in Ohio every year. Gracehaven directly serves about 120 individuals and more than 4,000 minors and adults through prevention education. Help us bring hope and healing as we move these young people from survivor to thriver.” (From the Gracehaven site).Any donation will make an impact and lead to more services available to Ohio’s youth and families impacted by child sex trafficking. I cannot think of a more worthy cause!I

My Progress:


Goal: $1,500.00
Achieved: $1,285.00

Donate to Carly Boseker

My Donors: